Posted on 2012/11/22 by

Keyboard layout’s effect on lexicon?

There was a study published earlier this year on the possible effects of the QWERTY keyboard layout on word usage rates. The theory is that the proximity of certain keys encourage users toward words requiring easier/fewer finger movements (in the same way as we tend toward economy in speech). This linguist summarizes and refutes the theory, arguing that the influence of keyboard arrangement on word choice is so small as to be negligible.

I would point out that another consideration neglected by the study is dictated text, of which some portion of their sampling may have been. If you are getting a typist to do all the work, then obviously what you say won’t be affected by the keyboard.

I wonder if the story might be different for the layout of the Chinese Typewriter. Thomas Mullaney speculates as much in his video explaining how he was lead to do his research on the Chinese Typewriter by way of the idea of character disappearances caused by the demands of printing-presses…


— Kevin Kvas

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